Fiduciary Consulting Services
CoSource’s disciplined documentation process begins with the onset of every engagement. We work extensively with plan sponsors to help them meet their fiduciary obligations. Our regimented process is consistent and provides plan sponsors with a proven, prudent and comprehensive method for plan oversight. We provide the formula for defendable decisions by providing plan fiduciaries with:
- 3(21) Advisory Services
- Fiduciary Governance and Oversight
- Investment Committee Establishment and Protocols
- Investment Policy Statement Development and Implementation
- Investment Selection and Monitoring Services
- Comprehensive Plan Review and Assessment
- QDIA Selection Service
For more information on fiduciary obligations, visit the DOL’s website here.
Cosource’s Four-step Fiduciary Quality Management Process:
The steps are consistent with the global ISO 9000 Quality
Management System standard, which emphasizes
Continual improvement to a decision-making process:
Step 1: Organize
During the organize stage, the investment fiduciary
identifies laws, governing documents and other
sources of guidance for fiduciary conduct.
Step 2: Formalize
During the formalize stage, the investment fiduciary
identifies the substantive investment objectives and
constraints, formulates asset allocation strategies
and adopts an investment policy statement to guide
the investment decision-making process.
Step 3: Implement
The implement stage is when investment and service
provider due diligence is performed and decisions
about investment safe harbors are made.
Step 4: Monitor
During the monitoring stage, the investment fiduciary
engages in periodic reviews to ensure that the
investment objectives and constraints are being met
and that the Prudent Practices are consistently applied.